6월 1일 KOWIN Pacific LA 컨퍼런스에 대면 또는 온라인으로 참석하신 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다! 여러분의 참여로 저희 컨퍼런스를 성공적으로 마칠 수 있었습니다. 참석은 못하셨지만 컨퍼런스에서 어떤 내용이 다루어졌는지 알고 싶으시면 YouTube 채널을 방문하셔서 라이브 스트리밍 동영상을 시청하실 수 있습니다.

컨퍼런스에서 언급되었듯이 강의자님들 중 한 분이신 Emily Warnacke님는 미국 시민권이 없으시며 현재 Emily와 또 다른 무국적 입양인을 위한 사면 캠페인을 Alliance for Adoptee Citizenship이라는 단체가 진행 중입니다. 잠시 시간을 내셔서 청원서 서명에 동참해 주시기를 부탁드립니다.

무국적입양인에 대한 여러분의 관심과 지원에 다시 한 번 감사드립니다!

사면운동에 동참해주세요!

Save the Date!

June 1, 2024

무국적 입양아 국적 찾아주기 컨퍼런스/ Stateless Adoptee Citizenship Act Conference

KPLA의 무국적 입양아 국적 찾아주기 컨퍼런스가 6월 1일 오전 10:30에 옥스포드 호텔에서 개최됩니다. 꼭 참석하셔서 가장 최근의 입양아 시민권 법안과 법안 통과를 위해 저희가 할 수 있는 행동에 대해 함께 나누시길 바랍니다. 입장료는 없으며 간단한 점심이 제공이 됩니다.

KPLA is holding a conference on the Stateless Adoptee Citizenship Act on June 1, 2024, starting at 10:30 am, at Oxford Palace Hotel. Please attend to learn more about the latest development in the legislation to grant citizenships to the stateless adoptees and what we can do to help with its passage. There is no admission fee, and a simple lunch will be provided.

세계 한민족 여성 네트워크 Pacific Los Angeles 지부

Korean Women’s International Network (KOWIN)

Pacific Los Angeles Chapter

kowin members joining hands


Meet the 2023 KOWIN Pacific LA Scholarship Recipients

2023 KOWIN Pacific LA Scholarship Awards

Korean Women’s International Network (KOWIN) Pacific Los Angeles is pleased to announce the 2023 KOWIN Pacific LA Scholarship Awards to empower and support Korean female college students.

The Pacific LA Chapter of the KOWIN was founded in 2021 to provide a platform for women leaders of Korean ancestry in the greater Los Angeles area to utilize their abilities, experiences, and knowledge to make meaningful and significant contributions to the communities around them. In accordance with one of the ten guiding principles of the KOWIN of supporting the education of our future generation, KOWIN Pacific LA will offer scholarship awards of $1,000 each to eight to ten (8-10) outstanding current or prospective young female college students who demonstrate potential for distinguished leadership and invaluable contribution to the Korean American community.


  • Identifies as a Korean American female

  • Demonstrated financial need

  • Currently enrolled at a college or university in the US as a part-time (6 or more units) or full-time degree seeking student, or will be enrolled in fall of 2023

  • Must be present at the award ceremony in August 2023 (in person or via video conferencing)

How to Apply

We accept online applications only. Please apply using this link. Applicants must provide documents marked “Required” below and fill out the online application form. Applications and all supporting documents, including recommendations letters, must be submitted by July 5th, 2023.

Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

Supporting Documents

  • [REQUIRED] A letter of recommendation. Please ask your recommender to send their recommendation letter directly to kowinpacificla@gmail.com, and to include your name in the subject line of the recommendation letter.

  • [REQUIRED] Tuition statement from current or intended college.

  • [REQUIRED] Financial need calculation and EFC (please see the application for details).

  • (Only for prospective college students) Proof of college acceptance.

  • [REQUIRED] One essay in English (500-800 words) or in Korean (350-550 words) answering one of the following two prompts:

  1. Tell us about a Korean American female leader who has inspired you and what you want to do and why?

  2. How do you see your identity as a Korean American and a woman intersecting in your life, and how has that shaped your motivations?

  • [REQUIRED] — One short (2-3 paragraphs) writing on the personal or financial challenges you have faced.

  • Optional: Scanned copy of transcript, list of awards / extra curricular activities.

Additional Information

The essays can be in English or Korean. All applications require signing into a Google account. We do not collect the account information, and the Google account does not have to be your own account.


Please email kowinpacificla@gmail.com with any questions you may have.

The KOWIN Pacific LA chapter, consisting of 35 women, is committed to providing a platform for women leaders of Korean ancestry in the greater Los Angeles area to utilize their abilities, experiences, and knowledge to make meaningful and significant contributions to benefit one another and the communities around them.

Who We Are

kowin members at annual meeting